15th Annual Self Storage Owners Summit
July 18, 2019 – Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Beach, CA
Presented By:

(If you are an owner/operator and would still like to register - please send request to: info@californiaselfstorage.org)
The Annual Self Storage Owners Conference (hosted by CSSA and Talonvest) is one of the premiere self storage events in the country, attracting top-tier owners. This extraordinary program is matched by the locale – set at the beautiful Balboa Bay Resort in Newport Beach. The Annual Self Storage Owners Summit offers an incomparable program in a remarkable setting – one experience that should not be missed!
Conference Registration
- Owner Member Registration - $350.00 – full registration: CLOSED
- Owner Non-Member Registration - $600.00 – full registration (consider JOINING CSSA): CLOSED
- Vendor Member Registration - $750.00 – full registration: CLOSED
- Vendor Non-Member Registration - $1,000.00 – full registration (consider JOINING CSSA): CLOSED
- Guest Registrations - $100 – available for Member and Non-Member Registrations – CLOSED - this is limited to spouse or significant other and is NOT full registration- limited access to reception/food functions ONLY - Please call our office for more information.
Owner/Operators who wish to register - please send request to: info@californiaselfstorage.org
Room Reservations
Balboa Resort and Spa is truly one of the gems in Southern California. Located right on the bay, it overlooks beautiful Balboa Bay and harbor. Newly renovated, it teems with luxury and charm.
CSSA Balboa Bay Room Block IS CLOSED and we understand the hotel is sold out as well. If you would like to contact the hotel their number is: 949-645-5000.
OTHER HOTELS in the area:
This premiere event is a perfect opportunity for exposure for your company. In addition, you will create or build relationships with decision-makers in the industry. Sponsorships are limited so don't delay in securing yours. CLICK HERE for detailed sponsorship information
Program (tentative)
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Beach, CA
11:00am – Networking
12:15pm - Program Begins
Featured Keynote - Valorie Kondos Field - PAC 12 Coach of the Century,
UCLA Athletic Hall of Fame, 7 NCAA Championships,
Industry Keynote Presentation – Joe Saffire, CEO LifeStorage & Chris Marr, CEO
CubeSmart - moderated by Erik Frankel, Sr. Analyst - Green Street Advisors
Alternative Capital: Rise of the Debt Funds - Paul A. Hughson, Executive Managing Director -
CIII Capital Partners, Joseph Iacona, CEO Crescit Capital Strategies - moderated by
Tom Sherlock, Principal, Talonvest
Private Owners Panel Discussion (topic & panelist TBD)
4:30pm - 6:30pm - Reception
Also consider attending:
Kure It’s Networking Breakfast & Economic Update - July 18, 9:30-11:00 AM
Join your colleagues in supporting Kure It for a delicious breakfast buffet in the beautiful Bayview Room at the Balboa Bay Club before the start of the Summit. There will be time to network, followed by an economic update from Richard Green, Director and Chair of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate. https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/KuureItInc/networkingbreakfast.html
Summit Platinum Sponsors:
Summit Gold Sponsors:

Summit Silver Sponsors:

Additional Summit Sponsors: