Enforcing the Non-Monetary Default Remedy
New Law Makes it Easier to Dispose of Tenants Property
if They Fail to Vacate
On January 1, 2025, California self storage operators will have an easier time disposing of tenants property if they fail to vacate when removed from your facility for reasons other than lack of payment. Thanks to the work of SSA (our national self storage association) and our lobbyist, the self storage bill AB 1916 was passed and signed into law by Governor Newsom.
Quick Takeaways
- AB 1916 eliminates the need to file an unlawful detainer lawsuit when a tenant fails to remove his property following the termination or non-renewal of the tenant's rental agreement
- Instead, AB 1916 provides a self-help process that does not require court involvement
- This process requires that the operator send two notices to the tenant before, in most circumstances, advertising and conducting a sale of the property
- AB 1916 also allows operators to amend their rental agreements by giving at least thirty (30) days' notice in writing to the tenant. If the tenant continues to store property at the facility after the date provided in the notice, the amended rental agreement is binding on the tenant even if not signed by the tenant
- AB 1916 takes effect on January 1, 2025
Use this link for further information: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5b68dj0taf37rxivj0klx/AB-1916.pdf?rlkey=cft2phsr55qjcs96stwzi7bvp&st=oa7jzjxx&dl=0
Although this law will streamline the disposal of property as described above, it must be done correctly. To better help you understand how to do this, CSSA is hosting two (2) virtual seminars: December 17 and January 28. This seminar will include detailed description by attorney Carlos Kaslow, along with live Q & A session of steps needed to remove the tenant and their property.
Registration is open for each of these webinars:
Also, CSSA has the NEW updated Lien Law Annotated Manual, which will include details about this new law. You can order your new manual online Here
CSSA and SSA are pleased to provide the California self storage industry with this new law which can help you effectively deal with troublesome tenants.
Please help us continue with our advocacy efforts on your behalf by donating to the CSSA Local Initiatives Fund: – 100% of these donations are used to help fight local initiatives that may be harmful to operating a self storage in that municipality.
Thank you,
Ross Hutchings
Executive Director – California Self Storage Association
