Contact: Dean Keller
Phone: 949-715-2233
Email: DKeller@BancapSelfStorage.com
Bancap Self Storage Group, Inc.
1100 S. Coast Highway, Suite 208
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Bancap Self Storage Group Providing
2020 Property Value Change Reports
For California Self Storage Owners
Free report provided to help counter uncertainty for self storage owners
September 15, 2020: This year has already had more than its fair share of chaos and uncertainty. Although the self storage industry has proven to be more resilient than many other businesses, there has still been a roller-coaster of events and market condition changes affecting the operations, income and values of storage properties.
To help independent owners of storage properties in California, Bancap Self Storage Group, Inc. is currently offering a free personalized report on how the value of their storage business has changed in 2020. This “no obligation” report is available for a limited time only as free service to the industry.
Bancap Self Storage Group is known as the “#1 Self Storage Broker in California” with an unmatched track record of self storage sales spanning over four decades. Dean Keller, President of Bancap Self Storage Group has also spent his entire career giving back with leadership and service on the boards of the Self Storage Association, Self Storage Association Foundation, California Self Storage Association, and the Storage Operators Networks in both Southern California and Northern California, in addition to Rotary Clubs and many other local and regional charities.
“Whether it is for estate planning purposes, updating financial statements, or just simple curiosity, we always think it is a good idea to know the actual value of your storage properties” said Keller. “We know that most people love their storage business and have no interest in selling at this time. But since we are deeply engaged in the marketplace and constantly doing these types of analysis for potential sellers any way, we are happy to provide this as a free service to all California owners in this unprecedented time.”
For more information contact Dean Keller, Bancap Self Storage Group at 949-715-2233 or visit the company web site at www.bancapselfstorage.com