SB 52 (Pérez D) Housing rental rates and occupancy levels: algorithmic devices.
Current Text: Introduced: 12/20/2024
Status: 1/29/2025-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 1/29/2025-S. JUD.
Summary: Current law governs the hiring of residential dwelling units and requires a landlord to
provide specified notice to tenants prior to an increase in rent. The Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act
prescribes statewide limits on the application of local rent control with regard to certain properties.
That act, among other things, authorizes an owner of residential real property to establish the initial
and all subsequent rental rates for a dwelling or unit that meets specified criteria, subject to certain
limitations. This bill would make it unlawful for any person to sell, license, or otherwise provide to a
landlord an algorithmic device, as defined, that advises on rental rates or occupancy levels for
residential dwelling units, and would also make it unlawful for a landlord to use an algorithmic device
to set rental rates or occupancy levels for residential dwelling units.