SB 295 (Hurtado D) California Preventing Algorithmic Collusion Act of 2025.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/6/2025
Status: 2/19/2025-Referred to Coms. on JUD. and PUB. S.
Location: 2/19/2025-S. JUD.
Summary: Current law establishes the Attorney General as the head of the Department of Justice,
with charge of all legal matters in which the state is interested, except as specified. Current law
imposes various responsibilities on the Attorney General related to consumer protection, including,
among others, the supervision of charitable trusts and the enforcement of antitrust laws. Current law,
commonly known as the Cartwright Act, identifies certain acts that are unlawful restraints of trade and
unlawful trusts and prescribes provisions for its enforcement through civil actions. This bill would enact
the California Preventing Algorithmic Collusion Act of 2025, to require a person, as defined, upon
request of the Attorney General, to provide to the Attorney General a written report on each pricing
algorithm, as defined, identified in the request. The bill would require specified officers to certify, under
penalty of perjury, the accuracy of the report. By expanding the crime of perjury, this bill would impose
a state-mandated local program.