California Self Storage Association

Build meaningful relationships with some of the best people in the storage industry.

At the heart of who we are as an association you’ll find our success is built on the relationships our members have with one another. You’ll find that CSSA members truly care about each other and look for ways to work together and support each other in order to continually improve our industry through best practices and delivering better a better experience for storage customers. 

 The Value of Self Storage - PR Toolkit 

Recently, self storage has become the target of local municipalities for increased draconian regulations and even moratoriums – and it is spreading to more and more cities throughout the state. Not to be overly dramatic, but self storage is under attack! To combat this movement, CSSA realizes that we need to meet these challenges on the local level – to work with Planning/Zoning Commissions and City Councils before these laws/regulations are drafted. We have developed a 4-pronged grass-roots plan.

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 Contribute to CSSA's Local Initiatives Fund

CSSA is building an infrastructure to identify these issues early on, contact local self storage owners to supply them with materials for responding (emails, testifying), and in some cases provide subject-matter experts (such as land-use attorneys) to combat these initiatives. This takes resources – so CSSA has launched the Local Initiatives Fund (LIF). These funds are kept separate from CSSA’s operating budget and will be used ONLY for researching and responding to these local initiatives.   

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Our Mission

To continue the success of the Self Storage Industry through advocacy, education, and fostering community 

Our mission would not be possible without our Featured Partners

Legislative & Legal Alerts 
The California Self Storage Association keeps you notified with the most up to date information and alerts. 

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Business Partner Directory
See our list of all of our partners. All they have to offer and support the  industry 

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Member Store  
CSSA Members get discounts on all the items in the member store.    

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